Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 4, 2014

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Differential effects of Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb in Myc antagonism ppt

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Differential effects of Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb in Myc
Claire Dugast-Darzacq
, Thierry Grange
and Nicole B. Schreiber-Agus
1 Department of Molecular Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA
2 Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS-Universite
s de Paris, France
Members of the Myc oncoprotein family function as
transcription factors that control various aspects of
cellular behavior, including cell growth, proliferation,
differentiation, apoptosis, genomic stability, and
tumorigenesis [1–4]. Deregulation of Myc contributes
to the pathogenesis of a large proportion of human
cancers [5,6]. This deregulation has been shown to
occur at multiple levels including those that affect myc
gene expression, Myc protein stability, and Myc bio-
logical activity. Normal regulation of Myc activity
occurs by mechanisms that influence the Myc protein
per se [7], and also through the functions of related
members of the extended Myc-Max-Mad protein net-
work [8]; note that the Mad subfamily recently has
been renamed the Mxd subfamily.
The Mxi1 (also known as Mxd2) protein first was
described as a member of the Myc ⁄ Mad ⁄ Max network
by virtue of its having a basic helix-loop-helix leucine
zipper (bHLH⁄ LZ) region similar to that of Myc and
of its interaction with the obligate Myc DNA binding
partner, Max [9]. In early models that defined the
function of Mxi1 function within this network, Mxi1
(as well as the related Mad family proteins) was pro-
posed to be a Myc antagonist. This was based upon
its ability to bind competitively with Myc both to the
Max protein and, once complexed with Max, to shared
DNA sequence motifs (E-boxes; CANNTG). Beyond
this, it was realized that whereas Myc could transacti-
vate gene expression at the E-box through the recruit-
ment of various coactivators [2], Mxi1 could repress
gene expression there through its interaction with
Sin3 ⁄ histone deacetylase complexes [8,10,11]. The
antagonism by Mxi1 on the molecular level correlated
well with its ability to be a potent suppressor of Myc
transformation activity in the rat embryo fibroblast
(REF) assay, a surrogate assay for neoplastic transfor-
mation [10]. Interestingly, a naturally occurring mouse
Mxi1 protein isoform lacking the Sin3 recruitment
domain (SID), called Mxi1-WR, was unable to
potently suppress Myc cotransformation activity in the
GAPDH; isoforms; Mxi1; Myc; REF assay
C. Dugast-Darzacq, Institut Jacques Monod,
s de PARIS 6 et 7,
75251 Paris, Cedex 05, France
Fax: +33 1 4427 5716
Tel: +33 1 4427 5707
(Received 14 March 2007, revised 12 July
2007, accepted 16 July 2007)
Mxi1 belongs to the Myc-Max-Mad transcription factor network. Two
Mxi1 protein isoforms, Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb, have been described as
sharing many biological properties. Here, we assign differential functions
to these isoforms with respect to two distinct levels of Myc antagonism.
Unlike Mxi1-SRb, Mxi1-SRa is not a potent suppressor of the cellular
transformation activity of Myc. Furthermore, although Mxi1-SRb exhibits
a repressive effect on the MYC promoter in transient expression assays,
Mxi1-SRa activates this promoter. A specific domain of Mxi1-SRa
contributes to these differences. Moreover, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase interacts with Mxi1-SRa and enhances its ability to
activate the Myc promoter. Our findings suggest that Mxi1 gains
functional complexity by encoding isoforms with shared and distinct
FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; ODC, ornithine decarboxylase; PRD, proline-rich
domain; REF, rat embryo fibroblast; SID, Sin3 recruitment domain.
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4643
REF assay [10]. This suggested that Myc antagonism
and growth suppression was linked to the presence of
a SID and its ability to recruit corepressors.
Recently, studies have demonstrated that, in addi-
tion to the Mxi1-WR isoform, other Mxi1 protein iso-
forms exist both in mouse and man [12–14]. Many of
these isoforms appear to arise from alternative exon 1
(and promoter) usage within the mxi1 genomic locus.
One new isoform that we have described, Mxi1-SRa,
exhibits many of the biological properties attributed
originally to Mxi1 and outlined above (we have
renamed the original Mxi1 isoform Mxi1-SRb) [12].
Specifically, Mxi1-SRa can also bind to Max and to
Sin3, and can function as a transcriptional repressor
upon various reporter plasmids including synthetic
E-box reporters. With respect to expression profiles,
Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb transcripts can be found
together in the majority of newborn and adult mouse
tissues examined on the gross level. However, tissue-
specific expression patterns were also observed, includ-
ing that Mxi1-SRa appears to be the predominant
transcript in the adult intestine and in the developing
embryo, whereas Mxi1-SRb transcripts predominate in
the adult liver and kidney [12].
In our initial description of Mxi1-SRa and its
comparison to Mxi1-SRb [12], we speculated that
despite their apparent functional overlap in the assays
employed in that study, the possibility existed for dis-
tinct functions for these two isoforms. In the present
study, we have compared further the Mxi1-SRa and
Mxi1-SRb isoforms at the levels of Myc antagonism in
the REF assay, subcellular localization, and transcrip-
tional activity. Some of these analyses have assigned
differential functions to the two isoforms, and we show
that the unique amino terminal extension on Mxi1-
SRa contributes to these differences. A possible basis
for these differences may lie in the ability of Mxi1-SRa
(but not of Mxi1-SRb) to recruit specific protein part-
ners such as the nuclear glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (GAPDH) protein.
Mxi1-SRa lacks the strong suppressive activity
of Mxi1-SRb in the REF assay
In our earlier report describing Mxi1-SRa, this isoform
appeared functionally homologous to Mxi1-SRb in that
both could bind to Max and Sin3 and repress both
basal and Myc-activated transcription of various repor-
ter plasmids [12]. Based on these properties, we pre-
dicted that Mxi1-SRa would act like its Mxi1-SRb
counterpart to suppress Myc+Ras cotransformation
activity in the REF assay. Expression constructs were
generated encoding Myc-tagged versions of these two
isoforms, as well as of the Mxi1-WR isoform that lacks
the SID, and shown to give rise to proteins of the
expected size expressed at similar levels (Fig. 1A). Each
of these constructs (or empty vector) was introduced
along with Myc and Ras into primary REFs, and the
extent of foci formation was assessed approximately
10 days post-transfection. As shown in Fig. 1B, the
addition of Mxi1-SRb to Myc+Ras transfections
resulted in the expected five-fold reduction in foci num-
ber relative to that obtained in the Myc+ Ras+ empty
vector point (compare the black ‘SRb’ bar with the
open ‘empty’ bar in Fig. 1B) [10]. Surprisingly, the
addition of Mxi1-SRa to Myc+Ras transfections
resulted in at best a two-fold reduction in foci number
relative to the Myc + Ras + empty vector point (com-
pare the grey ‘SRa’ bar with the open ‘empty’ bar in
Fig. 1B). Indeed, Mxi1-SRa behaved comparably to
Mxi1-WR in these assays (compare the grey ‘SRa’ bar
with the dotted ‘WR’ bar in Fig. 1B). This was unex-
pected given that: (a) the inability of Mxi1-WR to
potently suppress Myc cotransformation has been
attributed to its lack of a SID [10] and (b) Mxi1-SRa
harbors a Sin3-interacting SID that is approximately
70% homologous to the SID of Mxi1-SR b [12].
We considered the possibility that the difference in
suppression potential between introduced Mxi1-SRa
and Mxi1-SRb could relate to disparities in their
expression levels at the onset of foci formation. As
such, we generated several expression constructs for
Mxi1-SRa containing different lengths of 5¢-UTR, and
tested these in in vitro transcription ⁄ translation assays
followed by western blotting, and in the REF assay
(data not shown). Many of these constructs produced
levels of Mxi1-SRa protein comparable to or greater
than those of Mxi1-SRb, yet they could still not
potently suppress in the REF assay. To address this in
another way, we tested whether the introduction of
lower amounts of Mxi1-SRb would compromise its
suppression potential. Introduction of one-fifth the
usual amount of Mxi1-SRb to Myc+Ras transfections
resulted in the same five-fold reduction in foci forma-
tion observed with the usual dose of Mxi1-SRb (com-
pare the black ‘SRb low’ bar with the black ‘SRb’ bar
in Fig. 1B). Together, these findings suggested that the
differential effects of Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb in the
REF assay likely relate to variables aside from expres-
sion levels.
As another gauge of suppression potential, we exam-
ined the introduced Mxi1 isoforms in stable trans-
formed cell lines established from foci that had
emerged in the various transfection points of the REF
Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms C. Dugast-Darzacq et al.
4644 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
assay (Fig. 1C). Transformed cell lines established
from the Myc + Ras + Mxi1-SRa points consistently
expressed detectable levels of introduced Mxi1-SRa as
assessed by western blotting analysis (Fig. 1C, arrow:
approximately 52 kDa band in lanes a1 and a2in
comparison to corresponding area in lane E1 which
is from cell lines established from the Myc+
Ras+ empty vector point). Once again, this finding of
expressed exogenous Mxi1-SRa resembled that seen
with the SID-less Mxi1-WR isoform as reported previ-
ously [10]. By contrast, transformed cell lines estab-
lished from the Myc + Ras + Mxi1-SRb points failed
to express detectable levels of introduced Mxi1-SRb
(Fig. 1C, lanes b1 and b2) [10]. These results suggest
that strong selective pressure against the expression of
introduced Mxi1-SRb, but not of Mxi1-SRa (or Mxi1-
WR), exists during the course of cellular transforma-
tion induced by Myc.
Mxi1-SRa appears to be localized to the nucleus
like Mxi1-SRb
The findings of the REF assay suggested that
Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb may encode differential
functions with respect to their ability to antagonize
Myc function. As a first attempt to uncover the
molecular basis for this difference, we performed
immunofluorescence assays on three different cell
types after transfection with Myc or FLAG-tagged
versions of Mxi1-SRa or Mxi1-SRb (Fig. 2A). As
shown in Fig. 2B, Myc-tagged Mxi1-SRa and Myc-
tagged Mxi1-SRb each exhibit speckled nuclear stain-
ing in transfected U20S cells. Similar results were
obtained after transfection of U20S cells with the
Fig. 1. Contrary to Mxi1-SRb, Mxi1-SRa is not a potent suppressor
of cellular transformation by Myc and Ras. (A, upper) Schematic
representation of the different Mxi1 isoforms tested for suppres-
sive potential in the REF transformation assay. All of the isoforms
carried Myc tags on their COOH termini. SID, Sin3 interacting
domain; BR, basic region; HLH, helix-loop-helix; CT, carboxyl termi-
nus. (A, lower) Western blotting analysis of in vitro transcrip-
tion ⁄ translation reactions performed on plasmids encoding the
tagged Mxi1 isoforms shown, probed with Myc tag antibody.
Molecular mass is shown on the right (kDa). The sample in the first
lane represents an in vitro transcription ⁄ translation reaction in
which there was no input plasmid. Of note, a doublet is often
detected in the Mxi1-SRa lane; this likely results from an alternative
initiation of translation with an inframe ATG located 78 bp down-
stream of the first ATG. (B) Graphic representation of the results
obtained in the REF assay expressed as percentage of foci forma-
tion, with the level of foci formation obtained for the empty vector
control point set to 100%. In the SRblow point, one-fifth the usual
amount of SRb expression construct was introduced. The graph
shows the results of one representative experiment out of two
experiments performed, giving similar results. (C) Western blotting
analysis of whole cell lysates made from transformed cell lines gen-
erated from foci arising in the REF assay. E1 is from a Myc + Ras +
empty vector point, a1 and a2 are from Myc+ Ras+ Mxi1-SRa
points, and b1 and b2 are from Myc+ Ras+ Mxi1-SRb points. The
SRa-myc and SRb-myc lanes represent control lysates derived from
293T cells overexpressing Mxi1-SRa-myc and Mxi1-SRb-myc,
respectively. The blot was probed with Myc tag antibody. The arrow
indicates the Mxi1-SRa-myc protein observable in established cell
lines derived from Myc+ Ras+ Mxi1-SRa foci. Molecular mass is
shown on the right (kDa).
C. Dugast-Darzacq et al. Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4645
Flag-tagged isoforms, as well as after transfection of
any of these constructs into COS7 or NIH3T3 cells
(Fig. 2C and data not shown). It should be noted
that this Mxi1-SRa subcellular localization is not in
complete agreement with a previous report from
another group [13], which described a primarily cyto-
plasmic localization, with some nuclear staining as
well. However, Mxi1-SRa is predicted to be nuclear
by programs such as psort ii, with a reliability of
94.1% [15]. Due to the lack of available Mxi1 iso-
form-specific antibodies, we cannot determine the
localization of the endogenous forms by immunofluo-
rescence at this time.
Based on the data presented in Fig. 2, we
believe that exogenous Mxi1-SRa, like Mxi1-SRb,is
a nuclear protein. Thus, a difference in the subcellular
DAPIphase anti-myc
DAPIphase anti-FLAG
Mxi1-SRα Mxi1-SRβ
Fig. 2. Introduced Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb each localize to the
nucleus. (A) Schematic representation of the constructs used for
the immunolocalization experiments shown in (B) and (C). Note that
the Myc-tagged isoforms carry the tag on their COOH termini,
whereas the FLAG-tagged isoforms carry the tag on their NH2 ter-
mini. (B) U2OS cells were transfected with the Myc-tagged con-
structs indicated on the left, and the introduced Mxi1 isoforms
were detected by indirect immunofluorescence using rabbit Myc
antibody (Upstate #06-549) as primary antibody and rabbit serum
coupled to FITC as secondary serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch,
West Grove, PA, USA). (C) U2OS cells were transfected with the
FLAG-tagged constructs indicated on the left, and the introduced
Mxi1 isoforms were detected by indirect immunofluorescence
using mouse FLAG antibody (Sigma #F3165) as primary antibody
and mouse serum coupled to FITC as secondary serum (Jackson
ImmunoResearch). Note that in (B) and (C), although 4¢,6-diamidino-
2-phenylindole labels all of the cell nuclei (see also phase images),
only some of the cells express the introduced Mxi1 proteins and, in
these, the subcellular localization is nuclear. This experiment was
performed three times, each giving similar results.
ZipperSID CT domainHLHBR
D. rerio
C. familiaris
M. musculus
H. sapiens
empty SRα SRβSRα ΔPRD
+ Myc + Ras
% Foci formation
Fig. 3. An Mxi1-SRa protein deleted for its PRD is able to potently
suppress cellular transformation by Myc and Ras. (A) Alignment
of the PRDs of various Mxi1-SRa orthologs showing the conserva-
tion of this domain throughout evolution. The Mxi1 protein
sequences were derived from the following GenBank entries:
Danio rerio (XP_709796); Canis familiaris (XP_852395); Mus mus-
culus (BAE32663; also the 295 amino acid protein encoded
by BC064453); and Homo sapiens (NP_569157). Note that the
D. rerio sequence is extended relative to that reported by us pre-
viously [33]. Alignments were performed using the
gram ( (B, top)
Schematic representation of the synthetic Mxi1-SRaDPRD con-
struct (Mxi1-SRa deleted of its PRD) compared with the Mxi1-
SRa construct represented in Fig. 1A. (B, bottom) Graph of the
results obtained in the REF assay expressed as percentage of foci
formation, with the level of foci formation obtained for the
Myc+ Ras+ empty vector control point set to 100%. The graph
shows the results of one representative experiment of a total of
three experiments performed, each giving similar results.
Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms C. Dugast-Darzacq et al.
4646 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
localization cannot provide a basis for the differential
effect of the two isoforms on Myc-induced cellular
The evolutionarily conserved, extended
proline-rich domain (PRD) of Mxi1-SRa affects
its suppression potential
We predicted that the basis for functional differences
between Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb could relate to the
unique amino terminal 61 amino acid extension on
Mxi1-SRa (preceding its SID). As shown in Fig. 3A,
this extension (PRD) is conserved from fish to man,
and, at least in mammals, is proline and alanine rich.
Hypothesizing that this PRD of Mxi1-SRa could be
playing a regulatory role or encoding novel functions,
we investigated whether the presence of this domain is
responsible for the differential effects of introduced
Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb in the REF assay. An
expression construct was generated encoding a
Myc-tagged version of Mxi1-SRa lacking its PRD
(Fig. 3B); this construct was shown to give rise to a
protein of the expected size expressed at similar levels
to its full length counterpart (data not shown). When
introduced with Myc+Ras in the REF assay, this con-
struct suppressed cotransformation activity at least as
Fig. 4. Common and distinct transcriptional effects of Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb on downstream target gene promoters. (A, left) Graphic rep-
resentation of the results from a luciferase assay performed using the ODC-LUC reporter (schematic representation on top) and the Mxi1-
SRb or Mxi1-SRa effectors. Data, on a log
scale, show the fold repression relative to that obtained with an empty vector effector (‘empty’
lane) which is set to 0. (A, right) Western blotting analysis using rabbit myc tag antibody to assess the expression levels of the different
myc-tagged effector constructs from the actual experiment shown in (A). Molecular mass is shown on the right (kDa). (B, left) Graphic repre-
sentation of the results from a luciferase assay performed using the MYC-LUC reporter (schematic representation on top) and the Mxi1-
SRb, Mxi1-SRa, or Mxi1-SRaDPRD effectors. Data, on a log
scale, show the fold activation or repression relative to that obtained with an
empty vector effector (‘empty’ lane) which is set to 0. (B, right) Western blotting analysis using rabbit myc tag antibody to assess the
expression levels of the different myc-tagged effector constructs from the actual experiment shown in (B). Molecular mass is shown on the
right (kDa). The experiments shown are representative examples of experiments performed independently at least four times, with each
point performed in triplicate each time.
C. Dugast-Darzacq et al. Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4647
well as Mxi1-SRb (compare the striped ‘SRaDPRD’
bar with the black ‘SRb’ bar in Fig. 3B). Said another
way, deletion of the 61 amino acid PRD from Mxi1-
SRa converts Mxi1-SRa into a potent suppressor of
Myc+Ras transformation. Of note, the PRD does not
appear sufficient on its own to convert the Mxi1-SRb
Fig. 5. Mxi1-SRa, but not Mxi1-SRb, is able to recruit GAPDH and to synergize with GAPDH in activating the myc promoter. (A) Anti-FLAG
western blot (WB) of an anti-FLAG immunoprecipitation (IP) performed on lysates from HeLa Tet ON cells expressing either empty vector,
FLAG-Mxi1-SRa or FLAG-Mxi1-SRb after 24 h of induction with 1 lgÆmL
doxycycline (+ lanes) or without induction (– lanes). Note that the
induction is tightly controlled because there is no Mxi1 produced in the absence of doxycycline. (B) Silver staining of an anti-Flag IP per-
formed on lysates from HeLa Tet ON cells expressing either empty vector, FLAG-Mxi1-SRa or FLAG-Mxi1-SRb after 24 h of induction with
1 lgÆmL
doxycycline. The position of the GAPDH band (specific to the Flag-Mxi1-SRa lane) that was subjected to mass spectrometry ana-
lysis is indicated by an arrow. (C) Anti-p38 ⁄ GAPDH (a kind gift of R. G. Roeder, Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA) western blot of
an anti-FLAG IP performed on lysates from HeLa Tet ON cells expressing either empty vector, FLAG-Mxi1-SRb or FLAG-Mxi1-SRa after
24 h of induction with 1 lgÆmL
doxycycline. The GAPDH band is indicated by an arrow. (D) Graphic representation of a luciferase assay
performed with the P1P2 c-myc promoter as the reporter construct and the HA-tagged expression construct of p38 ⁄ GAPDH and ⁄ or the
myc-tagged expression vectors of Mxi1-SRb, Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRa deleted from its PRD. Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb are not regulating the
P1P2 promoter as extensively as the full length myc promoter, which makes the P1P2 promoter more sensitive to the variation in GAPDH
levels provided by transfection. The data show the fold activation relative to empty vector. The experiment shown is a representative experi-
ment of an experiment performed three times where each point was performed in triplicate.
Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms C. Dugast-Darzacq et al.
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protein into a protein with a-like properties (see
The extended PRD of Mxi1-SRa affects its activity
on the MYC promoter
Having seen this effect of the PRD on Mxi1-SRa func-
tion at the cellular level, we next investigated whether
the presence or absence of this domain affects Mxi1-
SRa activity on the promoters of downstream target
genes. Earlier, we had shown that Mxi1-SRa and
Mxi1-SRb exhibited similar effects on two synthetic
reporter constructs in 293T cells [12]. Here, we
extended these analyses to the E-box containing pro-
moter ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) promoter; nota-
bly this is one of the few promoters reported to be
regulated by Mxi1 (and also by Myc) [16]. As shown
in Fig. 4A, the addition of Mxi1-SRa or Mxi1-SRb
effectors to 293T cells also carrying ODC-driven lucif-
erase resulted in a two- to three-fold reduction in lucif-
erase activity, consistent with what has been shown
previously for Mxi1-SRb on this promoter [16]. It is
known that this region of the ODC promoter bears
two E-box elements that are repressed by Mxi1 but
activated by Myc [17]. As such, the similar effects of
the two Mxi1 isoforms on this promoter are in the line
with their similar effects on the synthetic E-box repor-
ter [12].
A second promoter shown previously to be regulated
by Mxi1-SRb is the MYC promoter [18,19]. For this
promoter, regulation by Mxi1 has been proposed to
occur not through E-box sequences but through initia-
tor (Inr) elements and possibly also E2F binding sites
present in cis [18,19]. Whether the action of Mxi1-SR b
on the MYC promoter is direct or indirect remains to
be elucidated. Consistent with that reported previously,
Mxi1-SRb exhibited a mild, but reproducible, repres-
sive effect on the full length human c-MYC promoter
(Fig. 4B) [18,19]. Surprisingly, Mxi1-SRa activated this
reporter (Fig. 4B). Deletion of the 61 amino acid PRD
from Mxi1-SRa converted Mxi1-SRa from an activa-
tor to a potent repressor of the MYC promoter
(Fig. 4B). Again, whether the action of Mxi1-SRa is
direct or indirect remains to be elucidated. Of note,
the same trend of Mxi1-SR b and Mxi1-SRaDPRD
repressing, but Mxi1-SRa activating, was observed on
the minimal MYC-P1P2 promoter (data not shown).
Taken together, our findings suggest that, on certain
downstream target gene promoters in transient
transfection experiments, Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb
exhibit distinct transcriptional effects, and these are
correlated with the presence of the PRD on
Mxi1-SRa is able to interact with GAPDH, and
these two proteins synergise to activate the myc
We hypothesized that the basis for the differential
effects of Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb in several func-
tional assays could relate to differences in their protein
interaction profiles. To address this, we established
inducible HeLa cell lines expressing FLAG-Mxi1-SRa
or FLAG-Mxi1-SRb under the control of the TET ON
promoter. We monitored induction as well as expres-
sion levels of the isoforms by immunoprecipitation
with an FLAG antibody followed by anti-FLAG wes-
tern blot analysis (Fig. 5A). We then performed a
FLAG pull down analysis, followed by resolution on
SDS ⁄ PAGE gel and silver staining (Fig. 5B). Several
bands appearing to be present in the Mxi1-SRa but
not Mxi1-SRb lanes were subjected to mass spectrome-
try analysis (see Experimental procedures). One candi-
date Mxi1-SRa interacting protein identified was the
38 kDa GAPDH protein, which obtained a very high
score with 31 matching peptides (data not shown).
This interaction was confirmed by western blotting
analysis using anti-GAPDH serum [20] on the
FLAG immunoprecipitates (Fig. 5C). Interestingly,
this 38 kDa GAPDH protein has recently been charac-
terized to be part of a transcriptional coactivator
complex [20]. Accordingly, we next tested whether
Mxi1-SRa and GAPDH could synergize to activate
the myc promoter. Whereas GAPDH overexpression
had no activating effect on the P1P2myc promoter with-
out effector (Fig. 5D, compare lane 2 with lane 1) or
even in the presence of Mxi1-SRb (Fig. 5D, compare
lanes 5 and 6 with lane 1), the coexpression of GAPDH
with Mxi1-SRa led to enhanced activation (Fig. 5D,
compare lane 4 with lane 3). Very interestingly,
GAPDH overexpression did not affect the activity of
the Mxi1-SRa protein when its PRD was deleted
(Fig. 5D, compare lanes 7 and 8 with lane 1). Thus, all
of the specific properties of the full length Mxi1-SRa
protein observed in the present study appear to depend
on the presence of the PRD.
In the present study, we have further compared the
Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb protein isoforms that have
previously been described by us to be highly similar at
the levels of tissue-type expression patterns, protein
interaction profiles, and transcriptional repression activ-
ity [12]. Here, we extend the similarity between these
isoforms by showing that, at least when exogenously
introduced, both isoforms localize to the nucleus
C. Dugast-Darzacq et al. Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4649
(Fig. 2) and both repress the promoter of a known Mxi1
(and Myc) downstream gene target, ODC (Fig. 4A).
However, Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb also appear to
encode differential functions, and those revealed in the
present study relate to two distinct levels of Myc antago-
nism. First, contrary to Mxi1-SRb, Mxi1-SRa is not a
potent suppressor of the cellular transformation activity
of Myc (Fig. 1). Second, although Mxi1-SRb has a mild,
but reproducible repressive effect on the MYC promoter
in transient expression assays, Mxi1-SRa instead acti-
vates this promoter (Fig. 4B).
The finding of these differential functions is in line
with the dogma that the proteome gains functional
complexity by encoding multiple isoforms of a given
protein, with these isoforms having shared and distinct
features [21,22]. With respect to Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-
SRb, this functional complexity may allow for differ-
ential regulation of Myc-dependent processes. This
could occur via alterations in the balance between
the two isoforms in specific cell types, developmental
stages, or even during cancer pathogenesis. Regarding
the latter, it is interesting to note that the Mxi1-SRa
isoform (also known as Mxi1-0) was cloned initially as
a gene up-regulated in a neuroblastoma cell line.
Moreover, in that study, the ratio between Mxi1-
SRa ⁄ Mxi1-0 and Mxi1-SRb in primary glioblastomas
was shown to be increased relative to their ratio in
normal brain [13]. Future studies using isoform-specific
reagents could determine whether this also holds true
for other cancer types, and whether altering the levels
of Mxi1-SRa or Mxi1-SRb can differentially impact
upon cellular processes including proliferation, apopto-
sis, differentiation, and so on. Isoforms of numerous
proteins have been studied and compared in this man-
ner, including alternative isoforms of members of the
p53 ⁄ p63 ⁄ p73 [23] and the Bcl2 families [24].
On the molecular level, we show that the unique
PRD on Mxi1-SRa contributes to the differential func-
tions of Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb in Myc antagonism.
Deletion of this domain converts Mxi1-SRa into a
potent suppressor of Myc ⁄ Ras cotransformation activ-
ity (Fig. 3) and also changes the activity of Mxi1-SRa
activity on the MYC promoter from activation to
repression (Fig. 4B). Relevant to this, we were intri-
gued by the proline-rich composition of the PRD of
Mxi1-SRa, given that this is a recurring feature of
transactivation domains. However, when we tested the
PRD in the Gal4 heterologous reporter assay system,
it was not observed to have inherent transactivation
potential [12, data not shown]. Thus, the PRD is
necessary but likely not sufficient for the transacti-
vation activity of Mxi1-SRa. Consistent with this, a
chimeric protein that we generated to contain the PRD
fused to the Mxi1-SRb isoform (PRD-Mxi1-SRb)is
not able to activate a myc promoter in a transient
transfection experiment (data not shown). Thus, the
activation function of Mxi1-SRa that depends on the
integrity of the PRD appears to depend also on other
features of the Mxi1-SRa protein because it cannot be
simply transferred to another protein, even one as
closely related as Mxi1-SRb.
We speculate that the PRD may be involved in regu-
lating other functional domains of Mxi1 (e.g. the SID or
the bHLH ⁄ LZ) and ⁄ or in the recruitment of other activ-
ities. However, in some assays, the presence of this
domain does not appear to distinguish Mxi1-SRa from
Mxi1-SRb [12, present study]. This suggests that the
effects of the PRD are context sensitive, and could
depend on variables including cellular milieu and pro-
moter environment. It is of interest in this regard that,
in our hands, Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb behaved simi-
larly on E-box containing promoters that are thought to
be repressed by Mxi1 (and related Mad family members)
in a basic region-, Max-, and Sin3-dependent manner
[16,25]. By contrast, on the MYC promoter, which is
repressed by Mxi1-SRb in an E-box independent man-
ner [18,19], Mxi1-SRa exerts distinct effects. It is
possible that this differential regulation of target genes
contributes to different biological outcomes, including
the effect on transformation that we observed in the
REF assay (Fig. 1). A very analogous scenario has been
described recently for isoforms of the Wilms’ tumor
gene WT1. A newly identified WT1 isoform (WT1s) has
been shown to arise from alternative promoter ⁄ leader
exon utilization, similar to how Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-
SRb arise. Although the full length WT1 protein
encodes both transcriptional repression and activation
domains, WT1s lacks the repression domain and, conse-
quently, has different effects on downstream targets and
in growth ⁄ cancer-related assays [26].
Our Flag pull down analysis showed that Mxi1-
SRa, but not Mxi1-SRb, is able to recruit nuclear
GAPDH (Fig. 5B,C). Moreover, GAPDH appears to
enhance the activating potential of Mxi1-SRa on the
myc promoter, but has no effect on the repression
effect of Mxi1-SRb or a Mxi1-SRa protein deleted of
its PRD (Fig. 5D). Interestingly, nuclear GAPDH ⁄ p38
has been shown previously to be recruited by Oct-1 in
a coactivator complex implicated in the S phase tran-
scription of histone H2B promoter [20]. Thus, it is
tempting to speculate that Mxi1-SRa may be able to
recruit coactivator complexes containing GAPDH to
specific target genes resulting in activation. More and
more reports suggest that GAPDH is a multifunction-
al protein displaying diverse activities distinct from its
conventional glycolytic activity. For example, it has
Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms C. Dugast-Darzacq et al.
4650 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
been shown to be able to regulate cyclin B-cdk1 activ-
ity via its interaction with the protein SET [27], to
induce the pro-apoptotic mitochondrial membrane
permeabilization that is essential for apoptosis [28]
or to prevent down-regulation of colony-stimulating
factor-1 protein by binding to colony-stimulating
factor-1 AU-rich element and thus increasing meta-
static properties in ovarian cancer [29]. GAPDH is an
abundant protein but its participation in many differ-
ent complexes in different cellular compartments
could make it limiting for some of its roles. Thus,
some specific functions of GAPDH could be more
sensitive than others with respect to variation in its
intracellular level or availability. Our observation that
overexpression of GAPDH enhances the activity of
overexpressed Mxi1-SRa indicates that it is indeed
not present in sufficient amounts for Mxi1-SRa func-
tion. In this respect, we tested whether the GAPDH
protein could be the limiting factor preventing the
PRD alone from having inherent transcriptional activ-
ity in the Gal4 assay (data not shown) and we found
that, even in the presence of overexpressed GAPDH,
the PRD was not sufficient to activate transcription,
emphasizing the likely contribution of other regions
of the Mxi1-SRa protein.
In the future, it would be important to uncover the
full spectrum of differentially interacting proteins, as
well as the spectrum of downstream target genes regu-
lated by Mxi1-SRa and⁄ or Mxi1-SRb, and to assess
the transcriptional effects of these isoforms on these
targets. A better molecular grasp on these Mxi1 iso-
forms is necessary for understanding the precise role(s)
of Mxi1 within the extended Myc network and in the
context of development and cancer.
Experimental procedures
Plasmid generation
The Myc-tagged Mxi1-SRa and Mxi1-SRb constructs were
described previously [12]. The Myc and Ras expression con-
structs and the pvNic vector have also been described previ-
ously [10]. The Myc-tagged WR expression construct was
generated by introducing the WR cDNA containing the full

UTR in pcDNA3.1. The coding region of Mxi1-SRa and
Mxi1-SRb were subcloned by PCR in a vector containing
an amino terminal flag tag. The Mxi1-SRaDPRD expres-
sion construct corresponds to the full Mxi1-SRa deleted for
its first 61 amino acids. The ODC and MYC reporter con-
structs were kind gifts of Dr John Cleveland and Dr Linda
Penn, respectively. The HA-GAPDH expression vector was
obtained by amplifying GAPDH cDNA by RT-PCR on
RNA from HeLa cells, followed by subcloning in an
HA-tag containing expression vector. The Tet responsive
Mxi1-SRb and -SRa expression constructs were generated
by cloning the FLAG–Mxi1 fusion protein behind a tet
responsive promoter. Further details of plasmids construc-
tions are available upon request.
REF assay and foci studies
Primary REFS were prepared and transfected using calcium
phosphate precipitation as described previously [30]. For
each construct listed, 2 lg was used per plate except in the
‘SRb low’ point where only 0.4 lg of plasmid DNA was
used. The number of foci obtained for each plate was
counted 10–15 days after transfection. Individual foci were
picked, subcloned, and expanded as described [30].
U2OS cells were transfected with 100 ng of DNA with
FuGENE6 reagent (Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Mann-
heim, Germany), and immunofluorescence was performed
as described previously [31] using FLAG (M2, Sigma-
Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) or myc (Upstate, Millipore,
Bedford, MA, USA) primary antibodies and anti-rabbit
coupled to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) (Jackson
Immuno Research) or anti-mouse coupled to FITC (Jack-
son Immuno Research, West Grove, PA, USA) secondary
serum, respectively. Images were acquired with an Olympus
BX61 epifluorescence microscope (Olympus America, Mel-
ville, NY, USA) and a Roper Scientific CoolSNAP HQ
camera (Roper Scientific, Tucson, AZ, USA).
Transcriptional reporter assays
293T cells were transfected by the calcium phosphate pre-
cipitation method, and luciferase activity was assessed 48 h
post transfection as described previously [12]. The luciferase
values were normalized to protein concentration as assessed
by a Bradford assay.
Protein preparation and western blotting analysis
Protein preparation and western blotting analysis were
performed as described previously [12]. In vitro trans-
cription ⁄ translation was performed using the TNTÒ tran-
scription ⁄ translation system (Promega, Madison, WI, USA).
Establishment of inducible cell lines
HeLa TET ON cells (Clontech, Takara, Mountain View,
CA, USA) were transfected with inducible constructs
expressing FLAG-Mxi1-SRa, FLAG-Mxi1-SRb or empty
vector using FuGENE6. Three days after transfection, cells
were selected using puromycin (1 lgÆmL
) and, on day 15
C. Dugast-Darzacq et al. Distinct functions of Mxi1 protein isoforms
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4643–4653 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4651
post-transfection, clones were picked and expanded. After
induction with doxycycline (1 lgÆmL
), the individual
clones were tested for their expression of the protein of
Flag pull down

silver staining

mass spectrometry
For each stable cell line, ten 15 cm diameter plates at 80%
confluence were induced with doxycycline (1 lgÆmL
) for
24 h. Immunoprecipitation was performed using the FLAG
agarose antibody (Sigma #A2220) in 50 mm Tris pH 7.5,
150 mm NaCl, 0.5% NP40, 5 mm EDTA and 1 mm
dithiothreitol. The immunoprecipitated protein was eluted
from the beads according to the manufacter’s instructions
and the supernatant was run on a 12% SDS ⁄ PAGE gel. Sil-
ver staining of the gel was performed as described in [32].
Mass spectrometry was performed by the Rockefeller Uni-
versity Proteomics Resource Center (New York, NY, USA).
The authors thank members of the Schreiber)Agus
laboratory, as well as Dr Andras Fiser, for stimulating
discussions and helpful advice on the study. We thank
Dr Paul Corn for critically reading the manuscript. We
thank Laina Freyer and Dr Rachele Arrigoni for their
research contributions to the project, Dr Rob Singer
for use of his microscopes, and Dr Xavier Darzacq for
his contributions with the immunofluorescence analy-
sis. This work was supported by NCI grant 1
R01 CA92558 (to NSA) and the Association pour la
Recherche contre le Cancer (ARC) (to TG). CDD is a
recipient of postdoctoral awards from the International
Agency for Research on Cancer, the National Cancer
Center and from ARC. Support from the Albert
Einstein Cancer Center is also acknowledged.
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